FAQs - Abdominoplasty

FAQs / Abdominoplasty

Frequently Asked Questions about Abdominoplasty

What is Abdominoplasty?
Abdominoplasty, also known as a Tummy Tuck, is the surgery of the abdomen to remove the excess skin and fat that may accumulate after pregnancy, obesity or age.
Am I a candidate for Abdominoplasty?
An individual must be in good health, not have any active diseases or serious, pre-existing medical conditions and must have realistic expectations of the outcome of their surgery. This is an operation which requires patience and stability in dealing with the healing period. Normally women seek this procedure after pregnancy - although it is advised to wait until you are finished having children to have this procedure as the skin and muscles can get stretched out again as well as the dangers of your newly taut skin being unable to accommodate another pregnancy.
Also, if you are considering losing weight you should wait until after your desired weight is met.
Is there much pain associated with Abdominoplasty?
The amount of pain associated with this procedure is quite variable. Some patients note a moderate amount of discomfort, but for some it is more intense.
Patients will often note some back discomfort due to the 45 degree positioning for 4 to 5 days after surgery.
What does a typical Abdominoplasty consultation entail?
The surgeon will measure your abdomen and general torso region for an idea of an ideal abdomen size for you. Realistic goals will be decided between Patient and Surgeon. It must be remembered that no amount of surgery can restore skin to former conditions.
What should I expect post-operatively?
Patients are usually able to walk immediately after surgery and are in fact encouraged to do so 3 or 4 times per day for 1 to 2 minutes each time. Usually however, they cannot stand up straight, and walk with a hunched posture. The skin of the abdomen will be quite tight and patients are usually instructed to remain bent over at least 45 degrees for the first 4 to 5 days after surgery.
Patients will often note some back discomfort due to the 45 degree positioning for 4 to 5 days after surgery - Surgeon sometimes give muscle relaxants or valium.
The drains are removed 4 to 14 days after surgery. At the end of 4 days the patient may begin to straighten up and by six days post-op may or may not be fully straight.
You should not exert themselves for at least two weeks after surgery. While the drains are in, bed rest with a very small amount of walking as outlined above is recommended.
If drains are requored for an extended amount of time, patients are notexpected to sit in bed all day. An abdominal pressure garment may be given at a post-operative appointment. These are used for 3 o 6 weeks.Some swelling and discoloration is normal but is generally minimal and dependent upon the individual.
When is Abdominoplasty usually performed?
The Abdominoplasty procedure is usually performed when a person is discontent with their appearance in the abdomen region. It is most often sought out after a woman has given birth and does not plan on having any more children. After the extra skin and muscle tissue is removed, the abdomen may not be able to accommodate another child.
When will I be able to see the results?
After the swelling subsides and the drains are taken out you will start to see a difference. However, underlying tissues have been cut and that an Abdominoplasty is a very invasive procedure. The body needs time to heal. You will in time reap the benefits of this procedure.
When will the sutures be taken out and does this hurt?
The drain tube, if used, will be removed in approximately 2 to 3 days. Although your bandages may not be removed until about day 5. Your face will swell, and it appears at it's worse at day three. Your stitches may be removed the same day as your bandages; if surgical staples were used within the scalp area, they may be removed in 7 to 10 days.