Fast life was in the list of causes of weight gain till now!!!! But now one more cause has been added in the list!!!!!! Eating fast can also lead to weight gain!!!!! But HOW????? Here is the answer!!!!
Eating too quickly leads to weight gain, mainly by causing you to overeat.
When you eat too fast, you don't give the stomach time to tell the brain that it's enough - so you keep on eating. It takes twenty minutes for brain-signaling hormones to signal the brain that it no longer needs food. The key is not to eat too much during that twenty minute time period.
Some people aren't aware that they're eating too fast,so ingrained is the speed-eating habit. they are so used to just gulping the food that experiencing taste or smell of food no longer registers.
The health consequences of eating too quickly go beyond simple weight control.
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism says,
men who had large serving of ice cream in five minutes had lower levels of hormones that cause satiety than men who took thirty minutes to finish their treat. Despite eating a big bowl of ice cream, the men who ate in only five minutes weren't full.
How to control eating too fast?
- Make a conscious effort to slow down the pace of a meal until it becomes second nature.
- Pay attention to signals that indicate you're full, and don't eat past that point.
- Train yourself to chew every bite properly.
- Train yourself to put smaller portions in your mouth.
If you're eating with someone, focus on the conversation rather than on what's on your plate.